Tag Archives: craft

On the Third Day of Christmas…

8 Dec

That’s right, its Christmas craft #3 (4 and 5). I haven’t decided weather or not tonight’s post will count as one craft or three. I guess it really depends on time (whether or not I run out before 12 crafts). But tonight I am sharing with you three things to do with wire and beads. I have seen things like these before, but usually in a fancy boutique for $30 a pop!

Tonight I made a mason jar luminary, beaded spoon and wine glass. All three of these would make a perfect gift for any holiday party you are attending. The directions are about the same for all three, just working with different objects, so I’m not going to repeat the directions three times (besides, you don’t wanna read that much anyways).

18 or 20 gauge wire
Assorted beads
pliers, needed nosed if available

First step is to cut your wire to nesecary length. The bigger the object the more wire needed.  For the the spoon and the jar I used about 2.5-3 feet. About 2 feet for the glass. Secure one end of the wire by wrapping tightly around the object like a twist tie on bread (best way I can think to describe it). It should be fairly tight and not move around on you. Now string the beads! See the two methods below

There are two ways to attack these projects.

1. You can string your beads onto the wire before you wrap (if doing this, leave enough wire to secure to object.)
2. String your beads as you go along

Both ways work fine, with the spoon #1 seemed easier but for the wine glass I found it easier to add beads as I went. Either way you do it just make sure you leave enough wire to wrap the whole length. Once you get it wrapped around I like to take a plain piece of wire to wrap back to the starting point. It gives it a little more security and decoration.

You can get the wire and beads in the jewelry section of almost any craft store including Wal Mart! You could also use floral wire if that’s what you have on hand.

And there you have it! Three great wire wrapped gift ideas. Can’t you imagine a dinner party with the mason jars as centerpieces, everyone drinking out of their unique wine glass and serving food with decorated flat ware! Ok, well maybe that vision is just in my head but I think it would be a lot of fun!

Amy Marie

Brand Spankin’ New?

7 Dec

Is there really a craft out there that no one has done?? Ok I’m sure there is one somewhere but even still that craft has to draw inspiration from some where. I recently stumbled upon a blog looking for feature bloggers. I thought it would be really fun, but at this point I’m struggling to f ind something completely original (requirement). In college my wise and amazing professor told me that no design is original, that things have been done before. She said that everything we come up with is just an old design revamped. I feel the same way about crafts.

I was trying to think through all the idea/things that I want to do here at Kyles  our house. Every thing I came up with someone else, some where out there, has done! To me, even pulling inspiration or recreating something from a more expensive store is to original. What are your thoughts on original crafts? I would love to heard what you guys have come up with or made!

Amy Marie

P.S. I got my ring cleaned tonight and it looks brand spankin’ new!! I couldn’t believe that it was just as sparkly as before 🙂