Tag Archives: decorating

Make it With Yarn!

11 Dec

A few weeks ago my soon to be sister-in-law sent me an invite online to a group craft day, unfortunately I couldn’t go but really wanted to make the craft. Since I couldn’t go she was nice enough to hold off and make the craft with me (she’s so sweet!). So this afternoon after grocery shopping and feeding my farmer (who was up all night and battles a combine fire) I headed over to have some fun.

The craft we made was a Yarn Wrapped Wreath. These things are all over Pinterest and Etsy! Prices on Etsy range from $12 – $60+, and we were able to make ours for under $5 each. Now both of us did have yarn on hand and extra decorations on hand but at any craft store you can find wreath forms for a couple bucks.

Styrofoam or straw wreath
1 bundle of yarn
Hot Glue (optional)
Decorations for wreath

This is a simple but somewhat time consuming craft. To start off just tie your yarn in a knot around the wreath. You can hot glue it to help hold in place, we found that this was helpful. Then wrap until your whole wreath is covered, it took us almost 1 hour to wrap. Once wrapped you tie another knot to hold in place. Last step is adding decoration; endless possibilities! I added on gold snowflakes to a green wreath to match our gold/green christmas tree. This is my way of making the fiance think that its a John Deere tree 🙂 I’m sneaky like that…ok not really.

We found that if you use a straw wreath it appears a little more rustic and bumpy (for lack of a better word). I think if I make another one I will try it that way.
Just when you thought I was done for the night…craft #7 of the 12 Crafts of Christmas!

After coming home from wreath making I was inspired to do something with a styrofoam cone that I found at Kyle’s grandmothers house. Then it came to me…wrap it in yarn! So I did and I know have a beautiful tree to match my wreath. I pretty much followed the same steps but wrapped from top to bottom. I also secured the bottom with some wire (think u shaped) and inserted it into the form. Almost like a staple to hold it in place.

I’m not crazy about the snowflake at the top, but I also think it needs some friends! Its a lonely tree, but pretty none the less!

Well with 7 crafts down there are only 5 more crafts to go! I hope you have been inspired to make some Christmas crafts of your own!

Amy Marie

P.S. A week update coming tomorrow 🙂

A Free Weekend

14 Oct

This weekend is the first weekend in what feels like months that Kyle and I have not had something to do! Usually its me, because lets be honest, I don’t want to miss anything. But this weekend we don’t have anything to do {if I said I was doing something with you let me know, ASAP}, and because of that I have been coming up with a to-do list in my head all week!

In case you missed it in my last post “Going Green” I have accepted a new job with a company about 20 minutes from Kyles, which means I will be moving in with him, GASP!, before the wedding! Since I will be moving my stuff into his bachelor pad, I have lots of ideas of decorating and updating. My mother keeps wisely telling me to “go slow” as to not scare him off with all my girly antics. I like to think my style is country/farmstead/simple. But I think in his head he sees it as anything but that.


Anyways here is my small to-do list for my “free weekend” at Kyles:

1. Bake an apple pie (because I told him I would and I feel bad breaking that promise)
2. Make closet space for some of my clothes
3. Clean spare rooms
4. Decorate tops of kitchen cabinets (Before and After pictures to come)
5. Pick at his grandma’s house for some neat decorations ( I feel like I could have my own show, we could call it Clark County Pickers!)
6. Laundry (going to try Tonya’s version of homemade laundry soap)
7. Convince him it’s time to get internet!

I think I should stop there…that seems like a pretty manageable list to complete considering most of these will have to be completed with a moose following me around. Stay tuned for an update, maybe even an update from his house if we get internet!

Isn't he the cutest!?

Amy Marie