Tag Archives: scrapbook

Drum Roll Please…..

5 Dec

And the first craft of the 12 Crafts of Christmas is….Ornaments! Ok I know it might sound a little boring, but I have been trying to decide all weekend what I was going to start with. I won’t lie, I am starting with this because I already have some done and knew that they were pretty much fool proof.

I have a couple different ornaments I’m going to share with y’all. The first (one I made couple weeks ago) is the Mop ‘n Glo ornament. You simple take a clear glass ornament, remove the top and dump in enough Mop ‘n Glo to cover the inside. If you have extra, just dump it back into the bottle. Next, using a funnel of some sort (I used the cut off corner of an envelope) pour some glitter in the bulb. I have been using the 99 cent tubes from JoAnn’s. They make 4-5 ornaments. Again if you have extra, just dump it back into the container. Here is the result….

I added a little extra decoration with a ribbon. You could also add on feathers, Christmas sticker, mini jewels, really the possibilities are endless. My wise cousin also suggests going to the Dollar Tree to get their Sweep ‘n Shine.

This next ornament also used a clear glass bulb and some scrap paper. I got my Christmas scrap book paper from Hobby Lobby during their 50% off Christmas sale.  (Lately I have been on a kick to find the best deal before starting a project, and its a good way to stock up on supplies.) Ok so for this ornament all you do is cut your paper into strips, roll it tight and then toss it in your ornament. I have seen this a couple different places, some using wedding invites, old Christmas cards, sentimental type stuff. Ta da!

I will say the I might have started out cutting the paper pretty small, therefore it took a lot more to fill it. But I was trying to make it to you could read the words “Merry Christmas” and whatnot.

What kind of ornaments have y’all been making? I know there are some other creative people out there! Comment, share a picture or shoot me an e-mail and I can share on my next post!

Amy Marie

P.S. I have already completed Christmas craft #2! Woot!

Glitter Ornaments

Wrapper Paper Ornament